Friday, December 9, 2011
Back to Michigan for a White Christmas
Monday, October 3, 2011
Thankful my Kiswahili continues to improve. I still get a problem at times with complicated histories of patients. Sometimes you ask 'what is the problem today' and they begin with their history of 5 years ago... I have to read just about every evening on some aspect of medicine that either I learned a long time ago, or have never treated. Am thankful for special gift money that helps me to keep a medical program called UpToDate on my computer. Has the most up to date information on a wide variety of things in medicine. It's equivalent to having probably 10-15 text books. (by the way, inspite of how we doctors act at times, we really don't know it all!).
Anyway, this past week was one of treating and counseling. I try hard to give education to patients on the ward whenever we do rounds. Together with the nurses we teach about general hygeine, especially about safe drinking water, and malaria avoidance. More about water later. But this week was a bit different as I was doing counseling with a married couple about infertility, then with a young man who had a bad case of shingles on his face and had just been tested and discovered he has the HIV virus. Another young married man about 'family issues' and counseling a young wife about why it was that I couldn't lie and fill out a form incorrectly for her as she was pregnant with another persons child. Yeah, all that in Kiswahili. I pray that what I heard and what I said was correct.
Unfortunately, once again it was a week with death. A one year old boy died on the ward, after 4 days of treatment. I can still see his sweet little face as he looked at me while I was examining him. Some of the children cry as they are used to getting immunizations and so think I am going to give them one. Others cry because I am white (and I suppose some cuz I'm ugly). But this little boy looked right into my eyes as if he could see right through to my soul and was saying 'help me!' We did all that we could but yet early the next morning he died. And then two days later I had to tell a 20 year old married lady that her 6 month old baby had died inside her. Don't know the cause of either deaths. Was able to pray with them.

I hope that it isn't depressing to read this, but I just want to share with you what the reality is. Life is hard here for Tanzanians. Disease is everywhere, and because of poverty and other causes, many are late to reach the hospital for service, others go to traditional healers first, then when all seems hopeless, they come to us. That is the reality. But we do treat a lot of patients that get better and go home, Praise God!
Oh yeah, water. The hospital was blessed to receive 4 of the 8 water filters from
Baptist Global Response ( These filters are made in Kenya and work great to provide safe drinking water. We put two on the ward, one in Maternal Child Health Clinic, and one in Pharmacy. So thankful for clean, safe, drinking water.

OK, so today (Sunday) we went to Kibirizi Baptist Church. Took us 45 minutes to find the place (it's 10 min from our house). There are NO signs anywhere, and people gladly helped us to find three other types of churches, before someone finally said, "go back to the market, turn left and climb the hill. Ask there, they will explain." Finally we came across a lady who told a youth (yes, she told him to 'get in their truck and show us') who showed us the way there. We had a great time of worship with the believers at Kibirizi Baptist Church. After the service we had a 'family' meal all together. This church and Kalalangabo Baptist get together the first Sunday of the month, then after the service have a meal. We had ugali (cooked white corn meal), beans, and dagaa (like smelt). They are a major source of protein in the diet here. Caught at night out on lake Tanganyika and then sun dried. Before eating they are soaked in water and then fried in oil with some tomatoes, onions and salt. I really liked them. This weekend we'll get some when the boats come in in the morning and then fry them like mouth is already watering.
Daily by His grace...
Friday, August 26, 2011
A week about death
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Road Trip Again - Please Pray!
- Pray for safety as we drive to Rwanda and back. About 220 miles of the road tomorrow is dirt, really bad, dusty, and dangerous. The remainder of the road that we will travel on in Tanzania and Rwanda is paved. We never take it for granted that we will have a safe journey. Pray for safety in my driving, in the other drivers, for our truck to not break down.
- Pray for Kelly as will make her long journey of connecting flights to get her to Detroit. Pray that she will have kind seat mates, safety in flight, peace and comfort in her heart as she leaves us, and opportunities to share her love of Jesus with others that she meets along the way. Thanks Sherri for picking her up!
- Pray for Sally and I as we make the long and lonely drive back to Kigoma. Pray we will experience the grace of God and the comfort of the Holy Spirit as we grieve sending Kelly back to the USA. God has always been faithful and we know in our minds that he will be faithful again.
- We thank God for the amazing support system we have that provides us with a great vehicle to make this journey (Toyota 4WD). Thank you SBC churches for your giving each and every week that makes it possible for us to be here, serving Tanzanians in the name of Jesus Christ. Providing compassionate Christ-centered care and hope. All for His glory.
- Pray that Kelly has a sweet time of re-uniting with her aunts and uncles and grandparents and cousins and friends.
- This is hard…
Sunday, August 14, 2011
The Sting of Death; The Comfort of God's Promises
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
It's all about perspective.
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Two of the Inpatient Wards |
Of course, there were those reminders from God, like when I remembered the passage in the book of Philippians about being thankful in all situations; and Jesus' words about how he has given us his peace, and his joy…but still, some of us like to complain, and whine a bit too.
But we had food, we had water, we had a great house to live in with a beach, our daughter Kelly is still with us (she's on summer break), we are healthy, we have the Word of God, we've known and experience daily his saving Grace…as I said, It's about perspective.
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"Serving Kigoma in the name of Jesus Christ" |
After ward rounds I went to OPD (Out Patient Department). What really shook me, brought me back to 'reality' was the 9 year old boy who was struggling to breath because of his heart disease. He likely has rheumatic heart disease, a consequence of an infection that then turned into a autoimmune disease (were his body mistakenly attacks itself – in his case, his heart). His mom shared his history of having gotten worse over the past months, but especially in the past few days. I carefully listened and then examined him. He was breathing faster than normal, and had a distended belly. His heart was very big, noisy from a valve dysfunction, and his liver and spleen were enlarged from back pressure from his heart. He has a 'shida ya moyo' - a problem of the heart that leads to lung, liver, spleen, kidney and other problems. I finished my exam and explained to the mom that we needed to admit him to the ward. When he heard it, he tried to hide the tears that came…and to think that last night I was whining that 'it's hot, I can't sleep good.'
I thank God that we have medications to help this acute problem, although he is likely past the stage where heart valve surgery would help him. After OPD I went to check on him before heading home. Got an oxygen concentrator for him (a machine that scrubs oxygen from the air to help him) and made sure he had gotten his first meds. He was a little bit better, and was smiling this time when I saw him. He and his mom had already been visited by Pastor Jack, our hospital chaplain.
I drove home in my air conditioned truck to our home on the lake, with electricity, and food, and water, and Sally and Kelly. My heart is working fine physically, but it hurts a bit for this little boy. I prayed for him tonight and will see him again in the morning early. And to think I was whining about 'stuff.'
Take a moment to thank God for all you have, and for what He has done.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Azimio Baptist Church (ABC)

Oh yeah, last Monday, we did get our container turned around by a crane at the port. With the help of 6 stong guys together with Sally, Kelly and I, we got it unloaded in about 4 hours. We’ve spent the week re-assembling, arranging, cleaning, etc. to get our home set up. I think by the end of this next week, it will be looking pretty good.

Sunday, July 10, 2011
Our Plans, God's Plans.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Blocked roads and beautiful sunsets
Monday, July 4, 2011
Almost Home! 930 miles to go...
- Safety and alertness as we drive, and that our truck will function well.
- Safety of other drivers that we meet along the way. Remember it's 1,500km of two way roads.
- That our container of our 'things' will be able to be loaded tomorrow and arrive safely in Kigoma
- Safety for the Miller family as they head back to Dar es Salaam on Thursday.
- I know that's a lot of requests for safety but the reality is that driving these roads is dangerous.
- That we will enjoy the grace and peace of Christ as we drive.
- It will be a time to talk with Kelly to get all of her news from the last 10 months. We also have some great pod-casts from some of my favorite teachers (Piper and Keller) and some fun 'News from Lake Wobegon'
Friday, June 17, 2011
Happy Anniversary Sally!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Urgent Request! Calling on all people to pray for the Blind.

- for blind people that you know.
- That God will open their eyes to the beauty of Jesus Christ
- That they will ‘see’ their own God-dishonoring lifestyle (sin) and turn to God for forgiveness and new life
- That they will have visions of the living Christ and believe in Him
- Please pray too for those that you know that say they can ‘see’ but are ‘blind’
- Thank God from the depths of your soul that you are no longer blind. Thank Him that today you woke up seeing once again.
- Pray for brothers/sisters in the faith that are having a hard time seeing the real beauty of Jesus Christ, his life, his teachings, the fact that he is fully God. If you want to see God, then study Jesus – it’s that simple.
In closing, I really want to encourage you to open a translation of the Bible that you can read and read afresh John chapter 9. While you’re at it, read 2 Corinthians 4:4-6 too.
Lastly, thanks to all of our churches who graciously give to the Lottie Moon Offering and through out the year so we can buy new tires, and in doing that, share the good news of Jesus Christ!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Language Evaluation

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Test and Final Test
Sunday, May 1, 2011
"I will speak your name!"
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Off to Kenya
our E. Africa region. We'll be at the Brackenhurst Conference Center in the
highlands of Kenya - a beautiful venue surrounded by tea estates. We'll be
there to share our experiences in ministry, to be challenged by our guest
preacher from the US, and be ministered to by a great group of people coming
out from the US. This meeting also gives us opportunity to talk with our
leaders from our regional HQ (South Africa). And for many of us, it is a
time to get medical/dental/eye stuff done that we can't get done where we
What Sally and I like the most is the time to talk with others. We all have
stories of what has worked and not, of mistakes made and what went right.
It's also a time to just have fun together. Some of our people are working
in rather remote areas so this is a time to 'hang out'. And we love the
times of group worship.
This will be our first time to drive 'up' to Kenya from Tanzania. We've
made the trip many times from the Uganda side, but not from here. It will
be three days of driving to get there.
As you are able, please pray for:
- safety on the roads. That the truck will not break, that the roads will
be reasonable, that we and other drivers will be alert.
- for safe travel for the folks coming out from the USA and those from South
- for all of us to be refreshed physically and spiritually
- for understanding as we learn new things from the Word and from our
- for safety in the food that we will eat. There is a great staff there but
there is always the risk of food borne illnesses
I'll share more after our meeting.
Daily by His grace...
P.S. We've now completed 12 weeks of Kiswahili language school!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Prayer Request for our Family
was just readmitted to the hospital Saturday with strept pneumonia. Mom has
strept throat. In January my Dad had pneumonia and was hospitalized. He
was just discharged from rehab this past week after two months of PT. He and
mom just moved into a new apartment in the same town as my sister Gloria.
We know that God is sovereign over all things and we trust Him as always.
But it is really hard to be 8,000+ miles away when your family is in times
of trouble. I hope it doesn't sound like I'm whining, just stating a truth.
I know it is not easy for my sister and brother-in-law to be in the thick of
it all every day either. On Friday, they had just gone up North to see
Barry's mother as she had just had a stroke. She passed away on Saturday
and while there, they got a call that dad was sick. We were glad that our
two daughters were at my sisters this weekend and were able to help out
some. (We are really blessed as Gloria and Barry have taken care of our kids
since they came back to America and have made their house our kids house.
They even have a room for our girls in their house.)
When we left the US for full time service over here, we knew that times like
this would come. They are hard on the whole family. We trust God and are
praying for healing for my dad and mom, peace for mom as she sees her
husband in the hospital once again, for strength for my sister and her
husband, and wisdom for the health care staff. Pray for us to experience
the peace that surpasses all understanding, and that that peace will guard
our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:4-6).
Daily by His grace (today, moment by moment by His grace),
Larry and Sally
Friday, March 25, 2011
What have you put into someone's heart today?
As we have been progressing through these weeks of Kiswahili language study we have been learning how easy it is to say things in a variety of ways. I suppose it is the same in English. Sometimes you just flat out say what you want to say. But usually, we say things the polite way, or at least in a little less harsh way.
Today, Sally and I had the assignment to each prepare a Bible story to narrate, and a Bible study to teach. Our language and culture supervisor was here with us to offer encouragement and to add to the instruction of our teacher. We had both finished presenting our stories and I had shared my lesson. Sally was on the next to the last sentence of her lesson when we entered into a discussion on how important and common it was for Tanzanians to encourage one another. It is an essential part of their culture. In her lesson, Sally was ending with a ‘challenge’ for the student. In English the word “challenge” works (to invite someone to do something that will be difficult or challenging), but in Swahili, the corresponding word ‘changamoto’ doesn’t work. It means challenge, but in a negative way. Sally was wanting to encourage the student to memorize Scripture. Turns out the verb she needed to use in Swahili is -tia moyo. Literally ‘to put into the heart’ meaning to encourage.
I really like that.
Some other ways it can be said is:
Tutiane moyo – “Let’s encourage one another.” Used when a group or family are facing some difficult situation.
Umenitia moyo – “You have encourage me”
Jipe moyo – “Encourage yourself”
That discussion naturally led to the other phrases used in Swahili like:
Usikate tamaa, jipe moyo – don’t lose heart, encourage yourself (tamaa = desire)
Umenivunja moyo – you have broken my heart
Umekatisha tamaa – you have lost desire
Amekata tamaa – he has given up hope
Then we got into the ways to say that a person has died. Much like English, Swahili has blunt, polite, and more polite ways to say things. You can probably tell which is which.
Hayupo hai – he is not here alive
Amefariki dunia – he has died earth (really hard to translate this one but common)
Hatupo naye tena – we are not with him again
Tumemkosa – we have missed him
Ametukimbia – he has run from us
Amekufa – he has died (least polite)
I am sure that there are other phrases like this that I will learn when we get to Kigoma Baptist Hospital and begin working.
So back to the topic of this blog. Have you been encouraging others with your words and actions by putting good things into their heart? Or have you been discouraging – putting bad things in their hearts?
When we learned this Swahili phrase today, it made me start thinking about what I had put into Sally’s heart today. It is SO easy to put something there, it’s just that I don’t always purpose to put something good there. Isn’t that strange that we have such awesome opportunities to be heart doctors with our words, and yet often times we are just lazy. Unfortunately, sometimes we are just plain mean and put bad things there. God help us.
By the way, He does care a lot about this topic. It’s addressed in a variety of ways in several places in the Word of God. Jesus taught about the power of words, how they were manipulated and misused by some of the religious leaders as well as the common person. The Apostles wrote often about encouraging one another (“Tutiane moyo”). In other parts of the Bible, we are instructed to be careful with our words, to guard our tongue, and that we will all be held accountable for every word that has come from our mouths. (That’s a staggering fact.) The truth is we have opportunity each and every day to do something good.
A word to moms and dads. We have such an awesome opportunity (and responsibility) to put good things into the hearts of our kids no matter how old they may be. Please keep in mind that kids and adolescents are especially vulnerable to bad things put in their hearts, but also very responsive to the good things. Please don’t miss out on putting good things there. Would you commit today to proactively seeking opportunities to put something good into their hearts. One a day?
For all of us, we have opportunity each day to be heart menders/helpers or heart breakers. I pray you choose the former.
Daily by His grace,
Larry and Sally
p.s. If you want to see some really cool stuff, take time to do a word seach/study in the Bible on the word “heart”. You’ll be surprised and certainly be blessed.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Can You Think of 50 Reasons Jesus Christ Died?
On the Desiring God website you can download John Piper’s book “Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die” for FREE. It is in PDF format and not so big to download (less than 1MB).
I copied the following right from the Desiring God website page. You can also download the accompanying study guide for free as well (I posted the links below).
In this book, revised and updated from the previously published The Passion of Jesus Christ, John Piper has gathered
from the New Testament fifty reasons behind the crucifixion of the Christ.
Not fifty causes, but fifty purposes—in answer to
the most important question facing us in the twenty-first century:
Why did Jesus suffer and die?
I would encourage you to read a section a day (they are only 2-3 short pages) as your devotional over the next weeks. I will guarantee that you will be blessed. I have read this book the past 4 years and each time I have been blessed and humbled. I pray that you will be also.
Daily by His grace,
Larry and Sally
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Looking back...
know where you've been. We've now completed 6 weeks of intensive immersion
Kiswahili language study. In many ways I feel like that baby elephant,
looking back not sure what has happened, but thankful there is someone with
me to show me the way forward.
One day this week I was asking myself just exactly how far had we
progressed. We had just come out of Thursday evening bible study at church
and neither Sally or I seemed to have gotten ANYTHING from it. Sure we
understood the bible passages, but what the leader had said, might just as
well have been Chinese. Then the next day, a big rain storm came as our
class was ending and we invited our teacher to stay and have lunch with us.
As Sally was preparing Shepherd's pie, Sayi and I were in the sitting room
talking. I was actually surprised at how easy I was finding myself
discussing things with him, like issues that youth are facing, problems of
married life in Tanzania, and other things. Now I know that our teacher
knows where we are in our language skills and I am sure he was modifying his
part of our conversation to adapt to my skills, but even so, we really
seemed to be talking with each other. I praise God for that.
He is a really nice guy who has grown up in a difficult situation yet has
seen God bring him far.
Then today in church, it really seemed that Sally and I were getting things.
I know we have a looooooong way to go, but yet today, things were clicking.
I looked back at my first week of notes from classes and now laugh at the
things I wrote, equivalent to "See Dick run. See Spot run..."
This past week we had the privilege to write out and then share our
testimony with our teacher, Sayi. We had to make a lot of corrections, but
he really felt that what we wrote helped him to understand who we were, what
God had done in changing our lives, and why we're in Tanzania now. Now
we're working on re-writing it and learning to really share it more
naturally than reading it. It is exciting to think that soon we'll be able
to teach the truths of God's word to Tanzanians. Man, I get excited when I
think about teaching them about THE Truth, the person of Jesus Christ.
Lastly, I have to share a funny with you. I love to laugh. I really
believe it is good medicine. Well this week, the last thing our teacher
taught us was a song about the parts of the body. It's kinda like "head,
shoulders, knees and toes" if you remember that song from primary school.
He had us standing up and doing the motions of touching our head, eyes,
nose, etc. as we sang it. Well, right in the middle of the song I just
broke up laughing and couldn't go on. It was a bit disrupting to the
teaching moment, and he looked at me like what is wrong with you. I kept
laughing. OK, so I got ahold of myself and then shared that in the middle
of the song I just got this picture of myself doing a consultation with a
patient in the hospital, and then not remembering the name of a body part,
having to turn away and sing the song to myself to remember what to write in
their file. We all started laughing and laughing. He suggested that
perhaps I could learn the parts well enough to not have to use the song as
patients might think I was a bit strange. It was a good way to end the
week, with laughter and then a meal shared.
We truly have come a long way in 6 weeks. God has blessed us with 4
different wonderful teachers who have been patient and have encouraged us as
we plod along. God has helped us to learn so much. We've surpassed 600
vocab words, we're reading and writing, and slowly getting better. I don't
say that to brag at all, but to praise God for his many blessings.
Please continue to pray for us as we exercise these 50+ year old brains. I
am grateful that it is possible to remodel the brain at this stage in life,
that God created each of us in such a way. And pray for us to continue to
know his presence with us as we continue forward in language learning. It
won't be long and we'll be in Kigoma! To Him be the praise and glory!
Daily by His grace...