Of the many things he has taught me, the first is the importance of loving Jesus. Dad became a follower of Jesus not long after he married mom (1950) and hasn't stopped following Jesus since. Through his life as a follower, I learned much about authentic Christianity. Not just about 'religion,' but about knowing Jesus.
He taught me the importance of taking time daily to read the bible and pray. But even more than that, to ask myself what/how that teaching should apply to my life. I can still hear his and mom's voices early in the morning (before 5AM) as they read the "Our Daily Bread" together and prayed before he left for work. I have many mental pictures of dad at his desk reading his bible and making notes. When he discovered something good, he would share it with us.

He taught me the importance of work, of giving your very best at it, of living your faith at work, not just on Sunday mornings. To try to do things, even when you weren't exactly sure how to do it.
He taught me to fix things, to take care of things, and always to return a borrowed item in a condition better than it was when you got it (by cleaning it, etc.). And not to be wasteful.

He taught me to not only love family, but to live in a way that our family name would always be respected. I'm proud to be a Pepper.
The past 4 years have not been easy for my dad. He has gone from a very healthy man that walked around Clarksville every morning praying as he went, to now walking short distances with a walker. He has suffered a lot, he's been through some dark times, yet he has persevered. I am so thankful for these coming months as Sally and I are living in the same apartment complex as mom and dad and almost daily having the opportunity to spend time with them. I still have a lot to learn and I am ready for more life lessons from my dad...