Brad rode with us to Iringa. Was the
usual E. African roads with all sorts of vehicles but pretty good pavement. After a few hours of driving in a really
hot and flat area we came to some of the hills in the Morogoro and Iringa area. We are living at just over a mile high so it is cooler.

Iringa town is pretty typical of growing towns in E. Africa. We made our first venture into the central part of town to buy fruits and veges at the market and just look to see what is available. Lots of small shops with much of the same things. People are very friendly and are understanding of our very limited Kiswahili.
Our house belongs to the mission and is quite nice. You can see the beautiful gardens that are maintained by Amos (he's worked here for a long time. We are having our language lessons in the house. We've now had two days worth and learning a LOT. Sally and my brains 'hurt' from all

the new information and it's only day two. We are so thankful that we have this opportunity to throw ourselves completely into language learning. It is costly and we are grateful for all that is provided.
Well, we're off to walk to town to do some more looking around, to buy a Kiswahili Bible and to meet some more people.
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