Here’s the irony. So the blind guy can see, yet those who say they can see are really blind? So the story in John’s gospel is narrated (Chapter 9). A middle-aged guy who was born blind is miraculously healed by Jesus and can now see fully. When the religious leaders get wind of it (especially because Jesus did this on the Sabbath) it gets really crazy. They are the religious guys who are supposed to ‘see’ the way of God and lead the people, yet they can’t see that the Messiah has come in their midst. The guy who was blind, now sees physically with his eyes, but also ‘sees’ with his heart that Jesus is God and his Savior. If you take the time to search the bible, there just aren’t stories of the blind being healed before Jesus appears. I am fascinated by the irony in this story, but also saddened as it is a modern day commentary. More on that later...
Just a short digression… In the Apostle Paul’s writings to the young believers in the city of Corinth (his second letter to them) he reminds them that the god of this world has blinded the eyes of people so that they don’t see the beauty of Jesus Christ. They are unable to see and comprehend the gospel of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:4-6). They are spiritually unable to see, and that is why they remain in darkness.
Hence, my urgent request for people to pray on behalf off the blind. (Christians call that interceding prayer, or intercessory prayer, where you ask God on behalf of someone else for the will of God be done in their life.)

He shared with me about his life (he’s Indian by descent but a second generation Tanzanian and a ‘not so good’ Muslim by self description). He told me about his family and several of his desires for his life, his business, and his family. We discussed a number of things including my life and why Sally and I have served in Africa so long. The conversation naturally turned to ‘religion’ and I had the opportunity to share with him about my love of Jesus. He seemed very interested, even if we were interrupted every 2-3 minutes by phone calls (he really is a good businessman).
I explained to him that I wasn’t about promoting religion, but all about finding a relationship with God. That got his attention as I got the impression that he was used to foreigners that promoted their religion. He hadn’t heard about this whole thing of relationship with God. In that moment the Holy Spirit reminded me of the story of the rich young ruler that came to Jesus, which I was able to share with him. And then we talked about how that every person has a ‘god’ that they are worshipping and for the young man in the story it was his wealth that was keeping him from having a life altering relationship with God. The story got him thinking, but then unfortunately it was time for him to leave on a journey.
I pray for him as he continues on in his life in his state of blindness. God, I ask that you open his eyes to see you!
I close with these humble requests:
Please pray
- for blind people that you know.
Our pastor (Dr. R.R. Creech) once said ‘if you are not talking to God about people, you probably aren’t talking to people about God.’
- That God will open their eyes to the beauty of Jesus Christ
- That they will ‘see’ their own God-dishonoring lifestyle (sin) and turn to God for forgiveness and new life
- That they will have visions of the living Christ and believe in Him
- Please pray too for those that you know that say they can ‘see’ but are ‘blind’
- Thank God from the depths of your soul that you are no longer blind. Thank Him that today you woke up seeing once again.
o Thinking of the ‘religious’ types that seem to be able to see the speck in your eye but don’t see the plank in their own (read in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 7:3-5)
- Pray for brothers/sisters in the faith that are having a hard time seeing the real beauty of Jesus Christ, his life, his teachings, the fact that he is fully God. If you want to see God, then study Jesus – it’s that simple.
In closing, I really want to encourage you to open a translation of the Bible that you can read and read afresh John chapter 9. While you’re at it, read 2 Corinthians 4:4-6 too.
Lastly, thanks to all of our churches who graciously give to the Lottie Moon Offering and through out the year so we can buy new tires, and in doing that, share the good news of Jesus Christ!
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind but now I see. (John Newton)